GLCAP RCAP Helps Appalachian Communities Seek Project Funding

GLCAP RCAP helps Appalachian communities seek project funding
This December, Great Lakes Community Assistance Partnership’s (GLCAP) Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) completed an application on behalf of approximately 70 projects in multiple Appalachian counties for over $200 million for a regional Appalachian Community Grant (ACG).
GLCAP and its application partners, Vinton County Development and the Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia (ORCA), recognize the vast need for regional funding to build on existing assets and is proposing investments in small communities that are less competitive for other federal grants but are ready for transformation.
The proposals seek funding for projects related to small Ohio communities’ authentic, locally based outdoor recreation, arts, heritage, and downtown assets. The awards are expected to be announced by February 2024.
“If funded, these strategic and catalytic projects will help revitalize many small Ohio communities that need support,” GLCAP-RCAP Program Development Coordinator Deb Martin said. “Projects will improve access to outdoor recreational health benefits, enhance downtowns and quality of life, link to regional development strategies advanced by county and regional partners, and help Ohio compete in America and abroad.”
More information on GLCAP’s RCAP services is available at