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Kenton’s Downtown Revitalization Project: Main Street Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

On November 26th, 2024, Kenton, Ohio city officials hosted a Main Street ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the “culmination of months of construction aimed at improving our infrastructure and streetscape” (per the event invitation). As a valued contributor and supporter of Kenton’s projects and improvements, Great Lakes RCAP was invited to share in the success of the evening. Senior Rural Development Specialist Cindy Brookes attended as the representative most involved in Kenton’s journey.

Great Lakes RCAP’s work with Kenton began in 2018, after facing major downtown infrastructure issues with water, sewer, and stormwater systems over 100 years old. After experiencing repeated waterline breaks and receiving Ohio EPA orders, the city initiated a revitalization project, seeking RCAP's help.

Phased Project Approach

To manage the project's high cost and minimize disruption, the city decided on a phased approach. Phase 1, completed in late 2021, focused on sanitary and storm sewer upgrades, funded through the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) Principal Forgiveness program. Water system improvements were financed with low-interest loans from the Water State Revolving Loan Fund (WSRLA).

Securing Funding

In 2022, Kenton secured a $5 million Ohio Builds grant to fund key parts of the project, reducing the need for additional funding. The city also received $1 million each from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for water and sewer work, which will support Phase 2B on Detroit and Franklin Streets, set for bidding in 2025.

Comprehensive Upgrades

The project involves replacing or relining water, sewer, and stormwater lines, as well as adding green infrastructure to reduce stormwater runoff. This effort is part of a larger push to improve the city’s infrastructure, spurring further projects to address long-standing issues.

About the author

Great Lakes Community Action Partnership

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