Vehicle repair funds available through GLCAP
Vehicle repair funds are now available through Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) for eligible residents of Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wood County.
Funded through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, the vehicle repair service provides up to $2,500 in repairs for individuals who are enrolled in an education or training program, or those who use their vehicle for employment purposes, including driving to and from work.
Applicants must be at or below 300% federal poverty guidelines (e.g. $83,250 annual income for a household of four). Also, the cost of the repair cannot exceed the value of the vehicle.
Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants will be asked to complete an eligibility packet to receive funds.
For more information or to apply, call 1-800-775-9767.
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Great Lakes Community Action Partnership