Insulation & Weatherization
Weatherizing your home can cut down on utility usage and costs. The GLCAP Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) provides you with energy improvements to make your home safer, healthier, and more affordable to live in.
About Weatherization
Weatherizing your home can cut down on utility usage and costs. The GLCAP Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) provides you with energy improvements to make your home safer, healthier, and more affordable to live in. HWAP services include attic, wall and basement insulation; heating system repairs or replacements; air-leakage reduction; and other measures where appropriate. GLCAP HWAP is available at no cost for eligible Erie, Huron, Lorain, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca and Wood County residents. You must also be at or below the income levels noted below, depending on household size.
Income Guidelines
Household Size |
Annual Income |
1 | $30,120 |
2 | $40,880 |
3 | $51,640 |
4 | $62,400 |
5 | $73,160 |
6 | $83,920 |
7 | $94,680 |
8 | $105,440 |
Columbia Gas Customers
Additional service options for HWAP participants are also available for Columbia Gas customers. These could include help with:
- Insulation — attic, floor, walls, pipes, and ducts
- Energy efficient light bulbs
- Refrigerators
- New energy efficient water measures (low flow shower heads, aerators, hot water heater blanket)
- Energy Education

Contractors Wanted
The GLCAP Home Repair and Home Rehabilitation programs hire contractors for residential work throughout northwest Ohio.

Home Repair
The GLCAP Home Repair program provides help for electrical, plumbing, roof, HVAC, and other home repair needs.

Private Well Assistance
GLCAP can assist you if you own a home in a rural area and use well water supplies. We can help assess the quality of your water well and provide low-interest.